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.BG Domains

Although we run the WHOIS.bg site, we are not affiliated with the .BG domain registrar Register.bg. If you are here, chances are that you are looking for a .BG domain name.

The registration procedure of .BG names is not for the faint of heart. For example, it requires an exchange of signed documents between the Registrant and the Registry. If you don't have a digital signature, then you may have to send documents over snail mail. The whole rules are outlined in the following documents:

https://www.register.bg/tld_user_reg/documents/bg/terms_and_conditions-v4.9.pdf (Bulgarian)

https://www.register.bg/tld_user_reg/documents/en/terms_and_conditions-v4.9.pdf (English)

In order to avoid this complicated procedure, we would suggest that you use the trustee service, which is provided by Netim. They register the .BG names on your behalf and handle the bureaucratic procedure entirely on their side:

start your .BG domain registration process here

There are some additional benefits for the domainers in using a trustee for the registration of .BG domain names. Normally, when a .BG domain name is transferred to a different user, the prepaid period is lost. In other words, if a .BG domain name is renewed for 5 years, but the owner decides to transfer it to a different individual, these 5 years of prepaid service will vanish in thin air. With the trustee approach, there won't be an actual transfer that involves the Register.bg registry. The trustee will remain the owner of the domain name, but the actual ownership will be transferred between the users in the background.

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