Domain Search

WHOIS Information

Domain Generator

Reverse IP Lookup / Domain resolve

Bulk Domain Search

DNS Lookup


Wow! This domain is still available for registration.


Unfortunately this domain has already been registered.


Check Domain Availability

Prepare a list

Create a list of the domain names that you would like to search for.

Find Domain Owner & Information

Execute the search

Paste the list in the search field, choose TLDs, and run the search.

Find out Domain Expiry


Go through the results and register the available domains.

Bulk Domain Search

How do I search domain names in bulk?

Prepare a list of strings for domain names that you would like to register. Enter one string per line and paste it in the bulk domain search field.

What are the domain string requirements?

Please enter just letters, numbers, and dashes. Do not enter white spaces and paste one string per line. You can search for up to 50 domain names.

Do I need to enter a TLD?

There are few approaches available. If you enter just plain strings, without a TLD, and you don’t choose a TLD from the drop-list, then the script will default to .com.

If you enter domains with TLDs in the search field, and do not choose TLDs from the drop-list, then the script will search just for the TLD of the domains in the search field.

If you enter domains with TLDs in the search field, and choose more TLDs from the drop-list, then all the variations will be searched.

Why use a bulk domain search?

The reality is that most of the good domain names are already registered. Searching for one domain name at a time may not be quite efficient. When brainstorming for a new domain name, it is quite useful to be able to search for multiple domain names at once. This will allow you to create a list of desired keywords, combine them into possible domain variations, and search them all with a single click in bulk. Then you can pick one of the available domain names from the search results.

The bulk domain search is also quite useful for domainers and domain investors who would like to fill their inventory with new names in a particular field.