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Reverse IP Lookup and Domain resolver

What does the IP Lookup and Domain resolver tool do?

The above tool allows entering either a domain name or an IP address. If you enter an IP address, the interface will return the PTR record for the IP, if there is such set. The PTR record is also known as a pointer record. It resolves the IP to a domain or host name. It is the opposite of the A record, where a domain name resolves to an IP address.

The presence of a PTR record is particularly important for the mail systems. The mail servers perform reverse lookups on the IPs of the SMTP servers that send to them. If the IP of the SMTP servers lack a PTR record, then the incoming message is going to get a higher spam score, or may even get rejected.

If you enter a domain name, the tool will resolve it to an IP address. Basically, this will be one of the A records that are set for the particular domain name. A particular domain name cna have multiple A records set for it. If you would like to see them all, then you will have to use a more advanced DNS lookup tool, based on dig, for example.

The interface also outputs additional information about the IP, such as geographic location, country, country codes, etc.

What is an IP address

IP stands for Internet Protocol address. Each device that is connected to a network identifies with such an address. So, the basic purpose of the IP is identification and addressing.

The classic format of and IPv4 address is:

where xxx is a number from 0 to 255. It was introduced in the beginning of the 80s.

The explosive growth of the Internet lead to a depletion of the available IPv4 addresses. This motivated the development of a newer protocol with 128-bit addresses, called IPv6. It was in a testing mode until the mid 2000s. Then the commercial implementation began.

From the point of view of a domain owner and website developer, it is important for them to know how to use the IP addresses in the DNS configuration of their domains. The domains were invented to make it easier for the users to identify their web, email, and other Internet services, without having to enter cumbersome IP addresses.