Domain Search

WHOIS Information

Domain Generator

Reverse IP Lookup / Domain resolve

Bulk Domain Search

DNS Lookup

    Check Domain Availability

    Pick keywords

    Pick one or more keywords that are relevant to the content of your web site

    Find Domain Owner & Information

    Generate domain suggestions

    Use the domain generator to get domain suggestions, based on your keywords

    Find out Domain Expiry

    Evaluate and register

    Go through the list of generated domains and look for the golden nuggets. Register them before the others do.

    Choosing the right domain

    Picking the right domain name for your site is not an easy task. There are many choices that you need to take. Probably, the main one is if you are going to go after a keyword-rich domain name, or after a brandable name. In both cases, the name should be easy to remember.

    The keyword-rich domain name is a name that tries to combine some of the keywords that you plan to seek search engine ranking for. The search engines love such names, and you may strike gold with the right keywords. So, if you are selling kofta meatballs in New York, a domain name such as will be perfect for getting high in the search engine results. Of course, finding such names is getting harder and harder with each day, especially if you are in a more crowded niche with a lot of competition. In such cases, using a domain generator may give you some ideas and a starting point for your research.

    The other approach is to go after a domain name that sounds nice and funky, but does not necessarily contain a keyword. They are easy to remember and aim to become a synonym of what the user is supposed to do your site.

    Names such as,, and have passed into the everyday language and have become a substitute of the terms for web search and sending messages.

    It is too ambitious for the everyday webmaster to expect to reach the heights of Google and Twitter, but if they provide useful services, or great information on their sites, the users may associate it with their brandable domain name. Once the links with the domain string start to pile up, the traffic will come too.

    As we mentioned previously, the domain name should be easy to remember. A great rule for picking an effective domain name is to ask yourself if you can enter the name easily in your browser if you hear it over the radio. Domain names that include numbers and dashes are usually more challenging and have to be avoided.

    Whatever path you choose, you can run your ideas through the domain generator to get additional ideas for your brainstorming process.